Fast Algorithm for Generating Random Bit Strings

Suppose we want to generate a bit string with length \(N\) in which each bit is set with arbitrary probability \(p\). If we adopt the simple algorithm, which repeats check for each bit, we need to generate \(N\) random numbers. However, we can reduce the number of random number generations by adopting more sophisticated algorithms [1]. We proposed three algorithm, the Binomial-Shuffle, the Poisson-OR, and the finite-digit algorithms.

Fig. 1: Three algorithms to generate a random bit string.

The Binomial-Shuffle algorithm is an algorithm that first calculates how many bits are set and then shuffles them. Adopting Walker’s alias method and Floyd’s sampling method, it is possible to generate a random bit string with \(pN+1\) random number generations. The Poisson-OR algorithm generates \(k\) bit strings with one of the bits is set randomly and takes the logical OR of them. This is a special case of the algorithm proposed by Todo and Suwa [2]. The average number of the random number generations is \(-N \log(1-p)+1\). The finite digit method is effective when the probability \(p\) can be represented by a finite digit in the binary notation. When the probability p can be expressed by \(n\) digits in the binary notation, we can generate a random bit string with that probability by generating \(n\) bit strings in which each bit is set with a probability \(1/2\) and properly taking the logical operations. Therefore, the finite-digit algorithm with n digits involves the random number generates \(n\) times.

While the Binomial-Shuffle and the Poisson-OR algorithms are effective when the value of probability \(p\) is small, the required number of random numbers increases as \(p\) increases. Meanwhile, the required number for the finite-digit method does not depend on \(p\), although the method cannot be applied directly unless p can be expressed by \(n\) digits in the binary notation. Therefore, we constructed a hybrid algorithm, i.e., which first generates a bit string with probability \(\tilde{p}\) close to \(p\) with the finite digit algorithm and corrects the difference \(\tilde{p}-p\) by the Binomial-Shuffle or Poisson-OR algorithms. The expected number of random numbers generated to generate a string in which each bit is set with arbitrary probability is at most 7 for the 32-bit case and 8 for 64-bit case.

Fig. 2: Multi-spin coding of the directed-percolation. Times required for the simulations with 32768 steps and 1000 independent samples with L = 32768. The cases for the scalar implementation (Scalar), finite digit + Binomial-Shuffle (BS) algorithms, and finite digit + Poisson-OR (PO) algorithms are shown both for 32- and 64-bits.

Employing the developed algorithm, we applied the multispin coding technique to the one-dimensional bond-directed percolation and obtained a factor of 14 speed-up.


  1. H. Watanabe, S. Morita, S. Todo, and N. Kawashima, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 88, 024004 (2019)
  2. S. Todo and H. Suwa, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 473, 012013 (2013).

Ostwald Ripening in Multiple-Bubble Nuclei

When you uncork a bottle of champagne, you will observe nuclei of bubbles and coarsening of them (Ostwald ripening). Ostwald ripening of bubbles is also observed in a power-generating turbine. While Ostwald ripening of bubbles is common and important in our life, this is highly non-trivial problem, since the interaction between bubbles is much stronger than that in other systems involving coarsening.

Fig.1: A snapshot of simulation. Larger bubbles become larger at the expense of smaller ones. (by H. Inaoka)

A mathematical framework describing coarsening processes was developed by Lifshitz and Slyozov, which was followed by Wagner. Now the theory is called LSW theory [1,2]. While the theory successfully explains the behaviors of coarsening processes for various systems, it is highly non-trivial whether the theory works for bubble systems. Especially, the mean-field treatment assumed in the theory should be verified for bubble systems, since the interactions between bubbles via the ambient liquid are much stronger than those in other systems, such as alloy, droplets, etc. Therefore, we perform molecular dynamics simulations of the cavitation process in order to study the validity of the LSW theory in homogeneous nuclei of bubbles.

Fig.2: Temperature dependence of the scaling exponent. A total number of bubbles behaves as t-x with x = 3/2 in low temperatures and x = 1 at high temperatures.

In order to investigate the coarsening process of bubbles from the molecular levels, a huge number of particles are required. Recent development in computational power, however, enables us to treat hundreds of millions of particles. We perform molecular dynamics simulations involving 700 million particles on 4,000 processors on the K computer, which is the largest computer in Japan. We observe the behavior of the total number of bubbles and find a crossover from the interface-limited (Wagner limit) to the diffusion-limited process (Lifshitz-Slyozov limit) as temperature increases. In both regimes, the exponents of the time evolution are well predicted by the theory. Our findings imply that the time scales between the relaxation time of the pressure in the ambient liquid and the coarsening rates are clearly separated, and therefore, the mean-field treatment is well justified.

(by H. Watanabe)


[1] I. Lifshitz and V. Slyozov, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 19, 35 (1961).
[2] C. Wagner, Z. Elektrochem. 65, 581 (1961).
[3] H. Watanabe, M. Suzuki, H. Inaoka, and N. Ito, J. Chem. Phys. 141 234703 (2014).

Press release by AIP publishing: How the Physics of Champagne and Soda Bubbles May Help Address the World’s Future Energy Needs