Modification of directed-loop algorithm for continuous space simulation of Bosonic systems

We modify the directed-loop algorithm (DLA) to solve the problem that typically arises from large on-site interaction. The large on-site interaction is inevitable when one tries to simulate a Bose gas system in continuum by discretizing the space with small lattice spacings. While the efficiency of a straightforward application of DLA decreases as the mesh becomes finer, the performance of the new method does not depend on it except for the trivial factor due to the increase in the number of lattice points.
(Abstract of Ref. [1])

(By Yasuyuki Kato)


[1] Yasuyuki Kato, Takafumi Suzuki and Naoki Kawashima: “Modification of directed-loop algorithm for continuous space simulation of bosonic systems”, Phys. Rev. E 75 066703(1-8) (2007).